Thursday, November 28, 2013

Review: Ghost of a Chance by Ari McKay

Reviewed by Fehu
Ghost of A Chance by Ari McKay
Torquere Press
Short Story: 74pgs
4 Pants Off

Dr. Mason Beaulieu thinks rival ghost hunter Haywood “Fort” Fortenberry is sexy but too credulous when it comes to the paranormal. Fort thinks Mason is attractive but too cynical. When they’re offered a chance to be locked up in reputedly haunted Wisteria Grove on Halloween night, however, both men jump at the chance.

Storms and mysterious sounds keep them busy during the night, and they discover a mutual respect for each other’s skills. As the investigation continues, Fort learns the truth behind Mason’s seemingly dismissive attitude, and Mason finds a new appreciation for Fort’s open-mindedness. But when an unexpected intruder derails the investigation, they learn that more than just hunting ghosts can offer them thrills and chills.

I didn't know what to expect with this one and it turned out to be a nice Halloween surprise!

Mason wanted to believe in ghosts, but after some youthful disappointments, he decided to tackle his obsession with the paranormal more rationally and invested in good equipment to help him search for a proof that ghosts exist. Years later, retired after selling one of his better gadgets, a special camera for a very good price, Mason retired in his 30's and joined a group which sought that tries to find logic explanations for the ghost hunting's, that people reported.

In the course of his work Mason finds himself intrigued by a hot and prickly Psychology Professor, Haywood “Fort” Fortenberry, who is his rival and is a member of a group that tries to prove ghosts exist. Unfortunately for Mason, his flirting does not seem to work on Fort, but he has another chance to get close to the man, when they are both chosen to do moderate a live show on Halloween, about ghosts in Wisteria Grove, which is rumored to have ghosts in various rooms.

I liked the pacing of this story; especially the first half was fabulous as far as the introduction of the character goes. Fort and Mason did not fall in love on first sight and one could see how Mason slowly developed an interest in the guy, which Fort begun to return only in the last part of the second half.
All in all the characters are very likeable and the dialogs don't get boring, but are engaging and well written.

However the ending and the epilogue did not work for me. They just met an old lady and were in a supposedly hunted house and they decided to have sex on the couch in the front room? Not like the sex on the former battle field was better. Honestly this one would have been perfect with all the good sexual tension and the sex might have been better left of scene or for when they got home.
For all people who like me are not fans of horror, this story is pretty perfect. The ghost is pretty friendly at least the one Fort and Mason do get to see.

4 Pants Off

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